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Cragen Beca

Dyddiad cychwyn
Dyddiad gorffen
Amgueddfa Sir Gâr

Artist Kathryn Campbell Dodd is fascinated by the Cragen Beca. Family tradition says this conch horn was blown to call Rebecca Rioters together in Talog in 1843. They then saw off a raid by Carmarthen’s policemen and army pensioners. With the Riots over, the horn was hidden for years for fear of future punishments.


The Riots are a rich source of stories, fun and pride. The Cragen inspired Kathryn to reimagine these local heroes and lawbreakers. Three are on display at the museum along with a celebratory film.


Kathryn’s costumes draw on working women’s clothing, from the time of the Riots and from today. Textile artist Louise Bird worked with Kathryn to develop the designs. They have included details based on fabrics in the museum collection.


You can discover more about Kathryn’s project on her Cragen Beca website.